Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm
Phone: 856-783-0739  Fax: 856-782-7161
PHMUA is an equal opportunity provider and employer

Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality water possible and to give outstanding service in a professional,
courteous and timely manner in the field and in our offices.

With Governor Murphy and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection elevating the State of New Jersey to a Drought Warning from a Drought Watch, the Pine Hill MUA is urging our residents to help by reducing our current water usage. Residents should limit all non-essential water use, including all outdoor watering.
You can learn more here.
Thank you – and remember, Every Drop Counts!

Winter Termination Program November 15th through March 15th

Important Information on Flush-able Wipes

Make A Payment through Our Online Online Payments link on the Left
Customer Warning:
DO NOT use DOXO to pay your water/sewer bill. Using DOXO may result in a late payment fee being applied to your account or even disconnection due to non-payment. is a THIRD-PARTY PAYMENT WEBSITE that looks official but is NOT AFFILIATED with Pine Hill Borough MUA.

Copyright © 2024 Borough of Pine Hill.
All rights reserved. Revised: 12/14/2021